Thursday, October 31, 2013

An Unexpected Start

God said, “My presence will go with you. I’ll see the journey to the end.”  Exodus 33:14  (MSG)

Have you ever felt nudged down a path that you never expected to travel?  That is where I find myself.  I am being led to try something that I thought I would never do.  Led to something I am not even sure I will good at and that makes me a bit uncomfortable, but sometimes you need to take the first step.  

So here I am, sharing this blog with you, my friends.  Putting it out there.  I am not always very good at hearing or listening to God when he moves in my life.  I really try to, but more often than not I miss the prompts and hints or I am plain just not listening.  My God-radar is turned off.  

This is different.  Last week I went on a retreat in Arizona to help new Holy Yoga instructors complete their training.  During this retreat God must have decided to pull out the megaphone to get my attention.  This has continued since I returned home.  One thing I feel He is moving me to do is to create this blog.  

What??  You have to be kidding.

I have several friends who have created blogs and they are very good at putting their thoughts on paper and on the "cloud".  I thought that it would never be something I would want to do or that I would even be good at.  I do not consider myself a writer.  I am not a "wordsmith" (Oh nice word.  Maybe am a little bit of a wordsmith, but I digress).  Will anyone be interested in my thoughts?  So why a blog?     

Well, when God says move, you need to move, even if it seems to not make sense.  He has put this on my heart, so here we go with this blog.

In this blog I wish to share my thoughts and experiences and how life intersects with my faith and walk with God.  I hope to share what I am seeing, learning and experiencing as I live a life as a husband, father, Holy Yoga instructor, distance runner, co-worker and a leader in a beautiful church community called Awaken Community.  I believe in being authentic and open with my life and who I am.  

So, lets sit back to see where this Journey takes us.  I will submit these blogs as often as possible.  It is my hope they they touch you and speak to you.  Your comments are certainly welcome.  

Until the next time we meet, Be Happy, Be Healthy, Be Love.